
Garden is a system that allows users to grow their Tree with other users and obtain more rewards. This will provide opportunities for users to communicate and collaborate with each other, and will contribute to increasing participation and immersion in the platform.

Creating Gardens

Users can create a Garden by paying a certain amount of tokens, and after creating the Garden, they are granted the permission to be the Garden owner.

If the Garden stops operating, users can get back all the tokens they paid when creating the Garden.

Operating a Garden

Up to 3 user Trees can be placed in the Garden, and an additional 6 to 9 other user trees can be placed. The owner of the Garden can invite other users to the Garden and/or receive requests from other users.

Trees placed in the Garden can increase production and receive additional benefits depending on the level of the Garden and the facilities placed.

Users with low production trees can also be invited by the Garden owner.

Each Garden is given a collection goal at the beginning of each month, and all Trees placed in Gardens that have achieved collections can receive additional benefits.

ex) Example of collection goal

If the Garden contains A, C, E, and F Trees, the production of all Trees in the Garden increases by 3%. Even low-yield Trees can be valuable guests, depending on the collection goals.

Currently in development.

Last updated